Friday, April 22, 2011

Hogan or Vince -- Which made wrestling?

AS the NFL enters its second month of lock-out, the proverbial question seems to be Who made it what it is:  the owners or the players?  The players demand more money and respect; whereas, the owners feel like there would not be an NFL without their efforts.  It may or may not be possible to determine which element is more important.  IN the spirit of this impass, we would like to go back a few years and try to figure out who was responsible for making wrestling not only relevant but actually important in the mid-1980's.  Was it the owner, Vince McMahon, or the player, Hulk Hogan?

HER:  Hogan.  Hulk Hogan became the most recognizable figure in what was then wrestling, not sports entertainment.  He was everywhere!!  He was on t-shirts, lunch boxes, back packs, in fact, most anything one's image could be emblazoned on.  For a short time there was even a Saturday morning cartoon.

HIM:  It is hard for me to refute anything that you've said but my question would simply be this, How did he get where he got?  In other words, if he's so great, why did he not set the wrestling world on fire when he was in Memphis wrestling against Jerry Lawler before he arrived in the WWE?  The answer is very simple.  He was missing two very important things:  marketing and money. 

HER:  Most sports figures, including wrestlers, don't set the world on fire early on.  Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.  Tom Brady was a sixth round draft pick.  During his Memphis days Hogan wasn't very far removed from playing bass guitar in his Florida band.  His early Memphis incarnation was as Sterling Golden, not Hulk Hogan.  He was also pushed as a heel.  Heels don't inspire lunch boxes and cartoons. 

HIM:  I would certainly agree with that.  I would even go so far as to say that charisma can be developed, matured, harvested, whatever you want to say. And you're right about the heels, nobody wants to cheer for the bad guy.  It's very obvious SOMEBODY has to find that heel, bass guitarist, mid-carder, etc. and grow his charisma.  That SOMEBODY may even have to tell him that he has charisma.  Everybody knows who that somebody is.  It is the creative genius that is Vince McMahon.

HER:  Would that be the same creative genius who determined that Lex Luger would become his Hulk Hogan of the 90's?  He set Luger up to be a monster explosion on wrestling. Lex Luger would defend the honor of the United States by slamming Yokozuna on the Fourth of July no less.  He had the LEX EXPRESS ready to roll.  Luger wore the red, white, and the blue.  HE was going to be the next great thing in the WWE.  How did that work out for the creative genius? Not very well if I recall.  Luger lacked one thing to make it work-- charisma!  He was given a monster push and millions in marketing money was spent on him. It was a colossal failure.

HIM:  With all due respect, I thought we were debating who made wrestling in the 80's.  I did not realize we were debating who did not make wrestling in the 90's.  I will agree Luger was not very good.  He's not a good interview.  He's not a good worker (ask Barry Windham for further explanation).  The fact is that Vince did it with Hogan in the 80's, HBK in the early 90's, and Austin/Rock during the Attitude Era. And somewhere along the way, he's used HHH, Undertaker, Cena, and others to keep the WWE on top.   When Hogan went to WCW , Vince used whoever he could to make it work.  I know the old adage of 82 weeks in a row, or whatever, but the fact is Vince still has a show on Monday night and he's the only show in town. 

HER:  If Vince is the one who is responsible for making the talent, why didn't it work with Luger?  He poured a fortune into getting him over and it was a failure.  I think we could both agree that HBK was also loaded with charisma.  Stone Cold and Rock were also great but only when both were allowed to be themselves.  Vince's first idea for Austin was The Ringmaster and the Rock debuted as some island gimmick.  They didn't become true superstars until the creative genius' cartoon characters were shed and each man was allowed to let the natural charisma and personna shine through. 

HIM:  Terriffic!! I was afraid that we were going to have to hear how unsuccessful Aldo Montoya and Duke the Dumpster Droesse were.  I would agree that Austin and Rock are loaded with charisma.  I would say that HBK is about 75% athletic ability.  But, the simple fact is, somebody had to make the call to turn those guys loose and allow them to "be themselves."  Somebody had to decide that he could do something with Austin when the Ringmaster failed.  And I know how Vince is perceived, but sometimes a person has to admit the first attempt didn't work and move on to the second attempt.  And lastly, that same someone has to be willing to turn them loose and let them go when it all works out.

HER:  I'm not arguing that Vince McMahon has done a great job with his father's company.  He is a showman.  He is an entertainer.  However, it takes more than his creative genius to create a superstar.  Take HBK for example.  The Rockers were over huge in the AWA before going to WWF.  Shawn's ability to shine was already on display.  Yes, it was cultivated further upon his arrival in Vince land. But, Vince alone is not capable of creating the superstars who dominate wrestling.  If that were possible, why couldn't he do anything with Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, or even Randy Orton to a degree? Orton is probably getting his best reaction he's ever had currently but he's languished for years.  WWE Creative doesn't know what to do with him. 

HIM:  To borrow a quote from the 1990's, this looks like "One more for the good guys'.  Or at least one more for the good guy.  This argument is pretty much over.  There is no doubt that Vince McMahon is the reason that wrestling became mainstream in the 1980's.  It's at least 80-20 Vince.  I have shown how Vince has been the driving force behind the industry for the last twenty-five years.  You have spent one small segment talking about Hogan and the rest of the time talking about superstars that never reached their potential. 

HER:  Not so fast, baby,  you digress.  Hogan's record pretty much speaks for itself.  It wasn't until the arrival of Hulk Hogan in the WWF that Vince was able to take hiscompany mainstream.  It wasn't until Hulk Hogan, and his charisma, invaded the WWF that Vince was able to take him company worldwide.  Hogan was not the only wrestler there.  Vince had a stable of wrestlers prior to Hogan's arrival.  However, it was that arrival that gave Vince the missing tool he needed to expand.  Without Hogan, Vince would not be the billionaire that he is today.  He should thank Hulk Hogan each day.  I would agree that it was an 80-20 split.  It was just 80% Hogan.

HIM:   I do thank you for getting back on task and defending your guy, as wrong as you may be... As the title suggests sometimes we will be a house divided and this is such a case. !

No doubt about it..... A House Divided this time!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

TNA... How Do You Fix It?

From the perspective of most true long-term wrestling fans, the sport was at a high point during the Monday Night Wars.  Many fans were glued to NITRO and RAW when the battle raged on. From the moment WCW fired the first shot when Lex Luger, who had wrestled on a WWE show the night before, strolled out during the first NITRO. From that moment on it was war, and wrestling fans were the winners. Wrestling was at its best when Vince had serious competition.

Few would argue that WWE has competition these days.  Yes, there is an alternative in TNA. However, at the present time, TNA is no real competition for Vince McMahon's WWE.  In fact, at the present time, TNA is struggling. On paper they have some of the better wrestlers. "On paper" doesn't always translate to a better show.  Recent TNA shows have just been painful to watch. What is wrong with TNA, a company once full of promise?

HER:  I should like TNA.  They have some great young stars.  They have some charismatic folks. Yet, the show isn't working for me.  The show has become a stale version of its former self. Why? For me, it comes down to three main reasons:  Sting as World Heavyweight Champion, Angle v. Jarrett, and the destruction of the Knockouts division.

The current World Heavyweight Champion in TNA is Sting.  Granted, he is an icon.  He was one of the greats in WCW.  The man had a fan following that was unbelievable.  The key words are was and had.  In order for TNA to be a viable company they need a believable champion.  I do not think Sting, at the age of fifty-two, needs to be the face of TNA.  The perplexing part to me is TNA is not desperate for a champion.  The roster is a plethora of possibilities.  Rob Van Dam, A.J. Styles, Mr. Anderson, and possibly Matt Morgan immediately come to mind.  The company could build around any one of these as champion.  Sting, while definitely a wrestling great, is past his prime.  It's time to pass the torch to someone else.

This next reason is bittersweet for me.  I am old-school when it comes to wrestling.  There was a time when the best angles were those with an element of truth to them. (Eddie Gilbert-Missy Hyatt- John Tatum anyone)  The Jeff Jarrett-Karen Angle Jarrett- Kurt Angle storyline is not working.  They talk more than they wrestle.  I also think people cringe when shots of the kids are shown.  Sometimes I want to ask if Jeff and Karen are looking for drama in their marriage.  Tradition shows that angles in wrestling that involve a husband and wife almost always lead to a real life divorce.  Yes, wrestling fans know that Karen and Kurt were once married.  Karen and Jeff are now married.  I admire their ability to work together.  However, I am tired of the storyline.  I do not think Kurt and Jeff work well together.  Their styles are completely different. My advice would be to end this feud and move both onto something else.

Lastly, I think the destruction of the Beautiful People was a mistake.  They were a great heel tag team.  The Knockouts division of TNA was clearly better than their WWE DIVA counterparts.  It was a mistake to break up their most successful tag team.  These days the company resorts to having Angelina Love walk around in a zombie like state to which we are supposed to believe Winter has some type of mind control over her.  That is not what fans want to see.  I would much rather see Love and Sky together against other Knockouts.  Madison Rayne is not bad.  Tara is one of the better female workers in the business. Mickie James was a good addition.  TNA could do a competitive women's division instead of resorting to pretend mind control.  I would like to see the Knockouts Championship change hands.  Rayne has been champion long enough. James or Velvet Sky should be given a shot at it. I'm not sure of Winter's role other than it was the opportunity to put another former WWE face on camera. The Knockouts division needs to be refocused. Some of those girls aren't half bad. Some..... well, we'll just say they are better suited to the interchangeable silicone barbies of the WWE.

HIM:  I, too, see issues with TNA.  I understand that they may never be capable of putting up the challenge to the WWE that was so "must see" during the 1990's.  I do think that the Monday Night Wars presented a golden age of wrestling.  The remote was burning as you flipped from one show back to the other in an effort to see what outlandish things were going to happen. In no particular order, I can also find about three problems that TNA should look at in an effort to be as good as they can possibly be.

I don't really like what the X-division has become.  If you have read this blog before, you already know my perspective on guys like Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan.  However, there was a time, against each other, that these stars put on a huge show.  A couple of years ago when they brought in the international teams to feud with those from America, the moves would simply make your mouth drop!  They were flying everywhere and hitting moves that had never been seen before.  It seems that management is content to let them have their five minute segment each week and remain in virtual obscurity.

The next problem I see is very similiar to the one that has already been mentioned.  As great as Flair and Sting have always been, it is certainly time for someone else to take the reigns.  At least Flair seems to prefer suits to tights these days; whereas, management is bound and determined to keep Sting on top.  This is certainly not meant to be disrespectful at all towards these guys, I just think it's time to move on.  As previously indicated, there is star power that needs to be used. 

My third reason is actually a tie.  The first part actually would go with the previous reason.  I think TNA should stop trying to be WCW of the 1990's.  I understand that you can't reinvent the wheel, but the similarities between old WCW and TNA are becoming more and more obvious.  I think the writers are generally referred to as CREATIVE, and it's time that they earn their name.  The second part of my third reason deals with one particular superstar.  I was a huge Mr. Kennedy fan in WWE and even thought that they should have done more with him in that company.  I hoped they would give him a push to stardom as opposed to a push out the door.  Now they have him in TNA, and they seem to want him to be "Stone Cold Steve Austin."  We need to remember that Stone Cold was a pure accident and impossible to emulate.  Just let Anderson be his own character.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

WrestleMania Wrap-Up

Well, there is nothing quite like seeing in print how bad your picks really were.  Both of us had dismal records of predicting outcomes for WrestleMania. There's always next year.....

Speaking of next year, we are somewhat perplexed that the Main Event has been booked a year in advance.  This could be interesting to watch build or it could be a total bust.

Someone please give Santino a microphone!!! The man is an entertainer.  He is hilarious.

We'll be back over the weekend with a new blog up. In the meantime, if you come across us here, please tell a friend or two to check us out.

Until the weekend.....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

WrestleMania Predictions and Commentary:

It is finally here.... WrestleMania!  There is something special about this pay-per-view.  It's the SuperBowl, BCS Championship, and Daytona 500 all rolled into one for wrestling fans.  Without furthur adieu, let's see if we are divided or united on WrestleMania 27......

8-Man Tag Team Match--  The Corre v. Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, & Kozlov (?)

HER:  This match doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  It seems thrown together.  There are lots of rumors that Kofi Kingston will be inserted into this match due to the injury angle done at AXXESS.  I'm pretty confident in this prediction. I say THE CORRE takes it.

HIM:  Winner- The CORRE.  Anyone who read our first blog knows how I feel about Santino.  His is an ultra-entertainer and deserves his place at Mania.  Big Show is equally entertaining and I would love to see him do more.  However, I think The Corre pulls this one out.  Incidentally, for all the trivia buffs out there, how many of the previous 26 WrestleManias did not include a tag title match or an IC Title Match?  Neither will be defended this year as those titles are held by The Corre.

Sheamus v. Daniel Bryan-- U.S. Title MATCH

HER:  This match could end up being a sleeper of the night.  There is potential here.  Sheamus could show classic big man v. little man strength moves and Bryan has the ability to showcase some high-flying maneuvers.  It won't be one of my favorites as, admittedly I'm not a fan of either, but it could thrill some old-school folks.  Prediction: Sheamus

HIM:  Winner: Sheamus.  You are either a huge fan of Daniel Bryan and his perseverence that it took to finally make it to the WWE or you are not a fan and very uninterested in anything about him.  I basically fall into the latter.  Sheamus is a guy who was WWE Champion a few months ago and now finds himself in a heart-pounding feud with a guy that weighs 175 pounds.

Cody Rhodes v. Rey Mysterio

HER:  At one point I was a huge fan of Rey Mysterio.  Unfortunately, that was a long time ago.  Now it seems like it's the same match against different opponents.  I can almost call a Mysterio match move for move.  It seems like I'm in the minority. Fans still pop for Rey. Prediction: Mysterio gets the win but the bigger impact on potential story would be for Rhodes to win.

HIM:  Winner: Mysterio.  For whatever reason, that I just don't get, the WWE and the fans are in love with Rey.  My most memorable moment in the career of Rey was on Monday NITRO when Kevin Nash threw him into the trailer.  He somewhat resembled a javelin as his head bounced off of the trailer that was set outside of that night's venue.  Despite this, I still pick Rey because I'm not sold that Cody can cut it as a singles wrestler.

Mixed Tag Match-- Morrison, Trish Stratus, & Snooki v. Dolph Z, & Lay-Cool

HER:  I hope this match gives justice to Morrison and Ziggler.  I think those two could really go at it. I hope to see a singles' match between the two at some point.  However, for whatever reason, the decision was made to add the ladies.  There is no way Trish Stratus and Snooki were brought in to lose.  WWE will get a lot of publicity mileage out of Snooki.  I'm not a fan of JERSEY SHORE so I don't get the love there.  Prediction: Morrison, Stratus, & Snooki.

HIM:  Winner: Morrison's team.  History has shown that the special guest celebrity always wins at Mania (Floyd Mayweather, LT, etc.).  I think that is a pretty easy call.  The bigger story is I think the WWE missed the boat by not letting Ziggler and Morrison tear the house down.  Morrison is unbelievable, and I think Ziggler could have hung pretty close to him.

Randy Orton v. C.M. Punk

HER:  This has been the second hardest match for me to predict.  Conventional wisdom would dictate a swerve somewhere on the card.  I am not a fan of Randy Orton in the baby-face role.  I think he is a much better heel.  He does get a big reaction.  What do you do with him after this though? I would set up his next feud by having that person cost him this match. Get him out of this train wreck. Prediction: C.M. Punk due to outside interference.

HIM:  Winner: C.M. Punk.  This is a feud that has been taking place for quite some time.  In the past month, Orton has defeated and punted every member of Nexxus.  Punk got a measure of revenge on RAW, and I think somehow, someway, he squeaks out a win.  My major reason is an Orton victory should push him on to his next feud, or even a title match.  If he loses, it is conceivable that he could continue to feud with Nexxus.  I just think they are out of options with him, and I think the WWE title has another seeker in line ahead of him.  Kudos to the WWE for making Punk a heel because he's just a guy that is really easy to dislike and want to see lose.

World Title Match--Edge (Champion) v. Alberto Del Rio

HER:   For some reason, the WWE really likes Del Rio.  I like Del Rio. He is great in the smarmy-heel role.  He has been utilized extensively over the past couple of months.  Each week he claims it is his "destiny" to win the title at WrestleMania.  I actually had that as my prediction until about twelve hours ago.  I do not think the WWE will change all major titles on one night.   I do see him winning the title on the expected rematch on SMACKDOWN.  Prediction: Edge

HIM:  Winner:  Alberto Del Rio.  For slightly different reasons than Punk, Del Rio is the perfect modern day heel.  His personna is rich, arrogant, and I love his little grin and wink.  I actually think this match could carry interest for twenty minutes or so.  Both guys are athletic and are pretty good wrestlers (although Edge should watch some old Goldberg clips to learn how to deliver the Spear).  I think Edge makes a better hunter than hunted.  Some fans had rather watch to see if a really good heel gets beat than watch to see if a mediocre babyface wins. If Alberto wins, this is what you get. As a side note, Alberto has the best ring announcer in all of wrestling.


HER:  This is the easiest match, in my opinion, to predict.  For several weeks, Michael Cole has been the 'star' of this feud.  This is Jerry Lawler's first match at WrestleMania after twenty plus years with the WWE.  The RattleSnake is the special referee.  I see a total Lawler annihilation on Michael Cole.  I will say this, Cole is good in his role.  I love to dislike him in his role.  I find him annoying and want to see someone shut him up.  In other words, he is doing his job really well.  Some might say he doesn't have to 'act' very much but that is another blog for another day.  Prediction: "And I quote.... Michael Cole's five minutes are up."  Jerry Lawler takes this one.

HIM:  Winner: Lawler.  I have long been a fan of the former wrestler announcer who seems to always side with the heel.  I think about Jesse Ventura, Bobby the Brain, and The King (until recent).  I am not a fan of Michael Cole as the defender of the bad guys.  He has simply gotten to be ridiculous, but I suppose that is his role if we are to despise him.  I think Lawler gets his revenge, and I think that he and Stone Cold will celebrate with a few cold ones. (No doubt that ol' Rattlesnake will have a part in the final decision.)

WWE Title Match--The Miz v. John Cena

HER:  The Miz is a good wrestler.  He will put on a show.  However, to most, the real story here will be John Cena  and The Rock.  The simmering feud between The People's Champion and Cena does not end here.  I see this night as the catalyst for the match everyone knows is coming.  The match gains much more credibility if the WWE Title is on the line.  Prediction:  John Cena becomes Champ and The Rock challenges him for the gold.  Cena v. Rock is the money match.  FYI- If this match ends up being the Main Event, Miz will join Jericho and Edge as going from having the opening match one year at Mania to Main Event the next.

HIM:  Winner: Cena.  This is a prediction that I am not as confident in as I was a couple of weeks back.  As a matter of fact, if WrestleMania was the 10th I might even go the other way.  Usually, the biggest star wins the biggest match at WrestleMania.  The problem is I don't really see in what direction the WWE is moving with Cena.  Every time I think they are ready to let him become their work horse, they do something that changes my mind.  I think with the right push he could be the guy, but I don't think management necessarily agrees with that.  I do think he has to win the championship to set up a match with another champion.  Not the world champ, as you might think, but the PEOPLE'S CHAMP.

The Streak Match--Undertaker v. HHH

HER:  This has been the hardest match for me to predict.  I am still not 100% sold on my prediction but the time has come to make the decision.  I do think we will see a good match.  Both wrestlers are well rested and should come ready to perform on the biggest stage of the year.  I am a fan of the streak.  I admit it.  I think it is a great way to honor a man for his sacrifices to the WWE.  Everyone says the streak must end at some point.  Why?  'Taker has a limited amount of time left as an in-ring performer.  I think the streak should stand.  Another reason why I want the streak to continue? If HHH wins, no matter how great his performance, the proverbial asterick will always be there.  People inside and outside the business will cry nepotism until the end of time.  The doubts will linger.  Does one really book himself to end an eighteen year streak?  It doesn't matter how much respect he has garnered in the back, if HHH wins this match the whispers will follow him.  Prediction: 19-0 Undertaker.

HIM:  Winner:  Undertaker.  I think a win at Mania will allow the Undertaker to ride on into the sunset if he so chooses.  No one can argue his importance to the company for the last twenty years, but he has slowed it down quite a bit over the last couple of years.  His schedule has been pretty sweet during that time frame, but I will admit that he's definitely earned it.  I do fear that the match will not be as good as wins 17 and 18 the previous two years.  This is not a knock on HHH at all.  He is really good... but not that good!  My only hope is that it turns out clean for the winner.  Personally, I don't want to see any HBK involvement.  The Hall of Fame weekend will be a sufficient enough memory without any role in the outcome of this match. 

Well.... it seems we are more united than divided for WrestleMania.  Let's conclude with three additional opportunities to be united or divided.


HER:  Sheamus v. Bryan. I'm not a big fan of either man but the match has potential.  Traditionally, everyone comes with their working shoes on for this night.  If these two continue that tradition we could see a good match.

HIM:  Eight-Man Tag Match.  With eight different wrestlers, there should be enough variety of styles to keep us interested.  The Corre is made up of above average wrestlers, and even Ezekiel is okay in short spurts.  I think the addition of Kofi puts a big shot into the match, and there is always a chance for a COBRA sighting.


HER:  I should probably go with the HHH v. UNDERTAKER prediction to cover me.  However, I am not going to take the easy way out.  I'll stick with my original prediction.  I will take the Orton v. Punk match.  I could see that match going either way.

HIM:  Miz v. Cena.  I am really apprehensive but I do see this as the possible big surprise of the night.  Again, I just don't think the company is sold on Cena, and if he is booked against one of the most popular in the history of the WWE, it might jeopardize his position as the company's big dog. Like Orton, I don't know what they would do with him if he lost, but it could possibly ensure him as a babyface.

BIGGEST POP OF THE NIGHT (Biggest/Loudest Fan Reaction):

HER:  Heel Reaction will be Michael Cole and Vickie Guerrero. It makes a statement when your best heel heat is reserved for non-wrestlers.   Babyface pop goes to The Rattlesnake!

HIM:  I think Austin will be huge; especially in the post-match celebration.  The other big pop hinges on what actually occurs after the Cena-Miz match.  If The Rock has any confrontation with either, Cena for sure, the place will errupt.  That basically means that I am predicting two guys who are not even wrestling to get the biggest pop.  I'll say the heel reaction will go to Cole or Del Rio.